Unit 1 Introduction to Global Scholars

Ахметжанова Динара Асылбековна 

№75 мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі, “Global Scholars” үйлестірушісі

Theme of the lesson:

Introduction to Global Scholars

The objective:

to describe the ways of works and tasks in Unit 1

The result:

to memorize the order of the work in Unit 1

Unit 1, you will:

Students are oriented to the Global Scholars e-classroom and begin to develop global and digital citizenship skills. They exchange perspectives as they write their first discussion posts and reply to international peers. They create a video to introduce their class, school, cultures, and city, and share what it means to be a Global Scholar.

Unit 2 Nature and Our Cities

Ахметжанова Динара Асылбековна 

№75 мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі, “Global Scholars” үйлестірушісі


Unit 2 Nature and Our Cities

The objective:

to describe the ways of works and tasks in Unit 2

The result:

to memorize the order of the work and how nature to connect to culture unit 2

Unit 2, you will:

Students explore the role of nature in their cultures and everyday lives. They observe local flora, fauna, and landscapes, analyze how nature influences their daily lives, cultures, and health, and exchange perspectives with international peers. Students map nature in their community and create a guide to share how they can preserve and expand access to urban natural spaces.

Unit 3: Building Sustainable Cities

Ахметжанова Динара Асылбековна 

№75 мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі, “Global Scholars” үйлестірушісі


Unit 3: Building Sustainable Cities

The objective:

to describe the ways of works and tasks in Unit 3

The result:  

to memorize the order of the work and building Sustainable Cities

3-D model of a green space

Unit 3, you will:

Students research the benefits of green spaces to their city’s economy, health, systems, or cultures. The Urbanization Complications game helps them learn the impacts of urbanization on ecosystems and people. For the digital project, students choose a local urbanization challenge and design a green space, or an addition to an existing green space, to address the challenge. They will create a presentation to explain their solutions.

Unit 4 Our Natural World

Ахметжанова Динара Асылбековна 

№75 мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі, “Global Scholars” үйлестірушісі

Theme of the lesson:

Unit 4 Our Natural World

The objective:

to describe the ways of works and tasks in Unit 4

The result:  

to learn about the importance of biodiversity

Unit 4, you will:

Students learn about the importance of biodiversity, how human actions impact biodiversity, and how nature-based solutions can address these impacts. Students survey their community to determine which biodiversity issue is of most concern and what actions people are willing to take to address it. For the digital project they share their survey results and propose solutions in an infographic.

Unit 5: Community Action Project

Ахметжанова Динара Асылбековна 

№75 мектеп-гимназиясының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі, “Global Scholars” үйлестірушісі

Theme of the lesson:

Unit 5 Community Action Project

The objective:

to describe the ways of works and tasks in Unit 5

The result:  

toresearchlocal community, school, neighborhood, local biodiversity issue, to create a digital presentation to share

Unit 4, you will:

You will learn about the relationship between nature and cities. May be you found that it is not easy for everyone in your city to access nature, or that there is pollution in a local ecosystem.